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Fatal Fire Studios

A member registered Nov 10, 2022

Recent community posts

Ya cambiaste o actualizaste tu Direct11?

Buenas, cada mes sale una actualización de dicho juego! Que actualización tienes?

Yes, we have an update available on patreons

Vous avez désactivé votre antivirus

We don't have a mobile version yet.

Te recomiendo desactivar tu antivirus antes de la descarga e instalación.

Desactiva el antivirus a la hora de la descarga e instalación.

Te salta virus porque es un desarrollador en proceso aún.

Gives false result by developer process

Delighted with your comment! Your words motivate us and make us want to keep going! We will continue to do the best we can with each update!

Nos encantaría poder cumplir con ustedes, nos es imposible por el momento con las actualizaciones y mejoras que aplicamos al juego pc, no podemos permitir que baje la calidad del juego! En un futuro tal vez podriamos !

Delighted with your liveliness! Hahaha we hope you continue to enjoy our game!

excellent answer

futa mode is optional, you can turn it off. We apply it as a test for a future update, hopefully you like it.

figure it out man




Jajajaja sin escarnio!

we are going to review it


Because you speak English?

Do you rate our game? from 1 to 10

Algún Día...

this month...

I love you..

We do not want to lie to you, we are not finding a solution to the low image quality on ios and android.

We do not want to lie to you, we are not finding a solution to the low image quality on ios and android.


It is a recurring problem with PCs with low resolution and inferior graphics card. I suggest you try to solve it with resolution or deactivate the antivirus when installing, you could also update your direct11 or 12.

We do not want to lie to you, we are not finding a solution to the low image quality on ios and android.

Muchas gracias !!! Espero estes disfrutando de nuestro juego PC !!!

If there is, it happens that the antivirus deletes the .exe, you must disable the antivirus before downloading

а когда выйдет следующая версия?

Этот наступающий месяц здесь! Надеемся, что это вам понравится!

Gracias pa, espero disfrutes de nuestras chicas! o ellas te disfruten JAJAJA

My friend ! what is your problem? I can help?

what a nice subject

Merry Christmas S2

Disable your antivirus before downloading and installing.

La mejor explicación en años...